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2015 SLA Blue Tie Affair Banquet and Ball

  • 12/01/2015
  • 6:30 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Paris Hotel, Las Vegas


  • One banquet table of 10

    Don't miss this opportunity to support The Showmen's League of America and have a great time in the process. Book your table of 10 or individual seats by calling Cindy at 312-733-9533 or email at RSVP by November 20th

    The Showmen's League of America
    Blue Tie Affair Banquet & Ball (cocktail attire)
    Champagne Ballroom, Paris Hotel
    Tuesday December 1, 2015 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm
    $150 per ticket, $1,500 per table
    Dinner, Open Bar, and Dancing
  • Don't miss this opportunity to support The Showmen's League of America and have a great time in the process. Book your table of 10 or individual seats by calling Cindy at 312-733-9533 or email at RSVP by November 20th

    The Showmen's League of America
    Blue Tie Affair Banquet & Ball (cocktail attire)
    Champagne Ballroom, Paris Hotel
    Tuesday December 1, 2015 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm
    $150 per ticket, $1,500 per table
    Dinner, Open Bar, and Dancing

Registration is closed
Don't miss this opportunity to support The Showmen's League of America and have a great time in the process. Book your table of 10 or individual seats by calling Cindy at 312-733-9533 or email at RSVP by November 20th

The Showmen's League of America
Blue Tie Affair Banquet & Ball (cocktail attire)
Champagne Ballroom, Paris Hotel
Tuesday December 1, 2015 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm
$150 per ticket, $1,500 per table
Dinner, Open Bar, and Dancing

The Showmen's League

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