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Video Yearbook

  • 11/30/2021


Registration is closed

New format this year! Deadline is November 17th

Get your pages in for this year’s Showmen’s League of America video yearbook!  Pages are just $50 this year or $200 for 6 images. Buy as many as you can.

Your pages will be displayed at the Buffalo Bill Banquet in San Antonio, digital copies will be distributed, and the yearbook will be available on SLA’s Youtube channel.  Pages will display best in landscape orientation, but we will work with anything you send us.  You can even send us video messages this year, and we will include those videos in the digital copies and on YouTube (banquet will just be a slideshow).

Here are a few ideas of what we’d like to see in your pages this year:
-Best wishes for 2021 President Robert Thorson.
-Send photos or tell us about what you were up to during the pandemic year.
-Funny stories and interesting anecdotes from your year on the road.
-New additions to your families.
-Photos or videos of your staff and of your companies.
Deadline is November 17th
Submit to Andrew Hanschen at 

The Showmen's League

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